
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Season Ender....

Jacob's goal all year has been to make the 7th grade basketball team....and he was so excited when he found out that he made it. He knew that his playing time would be limited, but he was so excited to be a part of the team and was looking forward to the opportunity to improve. Unfortunately, his basketball season ended on Wednesday night. During a drill during practice, another player came down on his ankle, resulting in breaks in 2 different spots on his right ankle.
He got a temporary splint at the ER on Wednesday, and the following day had a hard cast put on at his orthopedic doctor appointment. He has been in a lot of pain and has been pretty down about not being able to play basketball. The last few days have been pretty rough and I'm hoping his pain level starts to improve soon. It's not easy to watch your child suffer and not be able to do anything about it.

Please keep Jacob in your thoughts and prayers. He has another ortho appointment on Wednesday to get more x-rays. At that point we will find out if he has to have surgery or not. He is trying to deal with the pain as well as low energy and the "why me" questions. He knows this is going to be a slow recovery process and I'm hoping he can remain patient and try to keep a positive attitude.

Showing off his "get well gifts" - a new VW basketball sweatshirt from Coach Froelich and Coach Bagley and a bell (to call me when he needs me) from Grandpa Covey. I'm a fan of the sweatshirt....not so sure about the bell though!

Showing off signatures from his 7th grade basketball team and other family and friends...


Anonymous said...

I like the red cast and hopefully there is room for us to sign when we come. Keep your chin up Jacob (and your leg). I know it isn't fun but it will hopefully feel better soon. Grandma

Jill said...

The red is cool! Please sign it for me since I can't do it in person! It's got to be hard in the snow and ice with those toes hanging out. Breaks my heart. Hoping too that the pain subsides. Hopefully getting back to school for a few days with friends will help lift his spirits! Have him check the mail... may take a while with the holidays, but we'll be sending something Monday.

Brenda said...

I had a giant red cast at Christmas too...and it sucks! Sorry Jacob!

aunt nancy said...

Seems to me I remember Brenda bonking her sisters on the head with one of her casts. Don't get any ideas, Jacob. I know what you mean about the bell. Barb gave one to Kyle when he had his tonsils out. I eventually just gritted my teeth whenever I heard it. We're praying for the best at Wed. app't.