
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Royer Family

Sara is one of my closest friends. We also teach together. I was excited when she asked me to take family pictures for her.....especially when she suggested an awesome location. Unfortunately we picked one of the coldest days in December - especially for outdoor photos! Brrr!!

Definitely my favorite!!!

After we did some family photos, we headed to Sara's parents' house to take their annual "cousins" photo for Christmas.

There was a perfect light snow falling, so we headed back outside for a quick Christmasy feeling photo. Love the snowflakes!!

THANKS for such a fun day!! I always miss my family at Christmas and it meant a lot that you let us be a part of your family for a few hours.


Michelle said...

These are great Amy...and gorgeous subjects! :0)

Deb said...

Love the one with the falling snow! Pretty sure it is impossible to take a bad picture with this gorgeous family!